Rushcliffe Residents' Survey

I would like to hear what your priorities are here in Rushcliffe. Please complete my survey and give me your views.

Rushcliffe Residents' Survey

  • Current Our Plan For Rushcliffe
  • Your details
On a Scale of 0-10, tell us how important the following is to you: Continuing to reduce inflation and grow the economy
Not very important
Very Important
On a Scale of 0-10, tell us how important the following is to you: Cutting taxes for people to keep more of the money they earn
Not very important
Very Important
On a Scale of 0-10, tell us how important the following is to you: Investing in new local healthcare facilities
Not very important
Very Important
On a Scale of 0-10, tell us how important the following is to you: Recruiting more police officers to fight crime
Not very important
Very Important
On a Scale of 0-10, tell us how important the following is to you: Increasing spending on defence and national security
Not very important
Very Important
On a Scale of 0-10, tell us how important the following is to you: Tackling illegal migration and stopping the boats
Not very important
Very Important
On a Scale of 0-10, tell us how important the following is to you: Improving our environment and reaching net zero
Not very important
Very Important
On a Scale of 0-10, tell us how important the following is to you: Investing in local school facilities and more local school places
Not very important
Very Important
On a Scale of 0-10, tell us how important the following is to you: Improving road surfaces and public transport infrastructure
Not very important
Very Important
On a Scale of 0-10, tell us how important the following is to you: Protecting our countryside from inappropriate development
Not very important
Very Important
What do you like most about living in your local area?
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What are your top THREE concerns about crime and policing in your local area?
If you have been personally affected, please provide details:
more items
How easy is it to contact your local GP practice?
How easy do you find it to get a GP appointment when you need one?
What are your views on the UK’s commitment to protecting our environment and reaching net zero emissions by 2050?
What is your view on local schools and school facilities in your area?
more items
What is your usual mode of transport?
What one thing do you think would do most to improve transport in your area?
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To help us make this survey representative, please let us know how you voted at the last General Election in December 2019?
And how did you vote in the Rushcliffe Borough Council elections in May 2023?
Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Please state which other
I’m working with residents to make our area an even better place to live. Would you like to join your neighbours and help make a difference?